Thursday 3 March 2011

A Little Journey towards 40...

Twilight Zone: After SPM

1988, with 15 aggregate..moved to Pusat Matrikulasi (UKM) Kuala Pilah, after two years
went to UKM then the journey in real world begin. Joined Credit Euro Pty , trading in so
called Future market..started with Palm Oil, introduced later to Comodities market then
finally stuck with forex market. Popular among fresh grads who did not have real office jobs
..makes some money and makes some problems. its not a scam but since sooner or later,
ended with zero credit in trading makes me wonder such tactics employed to get
thats kind of result while market itself already so violence and means to shallow pocket
investor like my clients mostly..not all.

The sweet moment came when the principal of one trading account really guarded me ,
put people to look after me...with one prevent me from join other principal.